Wildwood Wildlife Park & Safari Adventure
Wildwood Wildlife Park & Safari is one of the most incredible zoos I have been to because of the hands-on experience you get. Right after you purchase your tickets, goats greet you that roam freely, and being early in the season, there were tons of baby goats, go through another gate, and you’ll find tons of rescue deers walking around. These greetings start your adventure. Then you get to see a lot of animals in their homes - some endangered, some fun to look at, but the kids couldn’t get enough, even my 3-year-old who had his bag of feeding food stolen from a hungry goat right off the bat (which was hilarious and so wish I got a picture of it!)
The kids said their favorite parts of the visit were the parakeet and giraffe experiences.
Hands on Parakeet Room
Gavin was in awe of the hundreds of parakeets that flew overhead, and we even purchased little sticks with food on them that encouraged the birds to land on them instead of the kid's hands and let them visit for a bit while they had a snack.
Who Knew Giraffes Love Carrots?
The giraffe visit is another pretty cool experience where the kids got a cup of carrots, and they were able to hand-feed the giraffes. Their tongues are crazy long and wrap around the carrots, which make the kids laugh non-stop.
We saw kangaroos, monkeys, tigers, bald eagles, sheep, turtles, mice, snakes, and many more, which are pretty typical pictures, so I held off sharing them. There is also a Safari Tram ride we took, but the kids wanted to be held as it was a bit chilly, so I didn’t get any good pictures while we were on that. However, once we got to the Dino Dig and Learning Center, the clouds parted, and the sun came out. We spent over an hour in the section alone, and it amazed me how much the kids learned while we were there.
If you are looking for a full day of fun and learning for your kids, this is the place. We were there from 10 am to 4:30 pm and probably could have stayed longer if we didn’t need to head home and feed Dad as he was working all day.