Prepping the Kids for Take Off


We’ve made some drastic changes by selling our house and camping for the summer. It’s been a bit hard on the kids - especially Hazel, who just turned 8. She’s having trouble comprehending the fact we have no home base. Gavin is doing ok but still asks to go home now and then, especially when he’s tired. All of this pulls on my heartstrings like crazy.

To make this a smooth transition, we have been talking to the kids quite a lot, and since this is not a typical situation, we have to teach them how to react when people handle the news with a bold reaction. We talk about the adventures, the family time together, and not having a rigid schedule - which sometimes works more than others.

Since the kids have been in daycare or school since they were infants, the fact that they get to spend the summer with mom while dad works at the camper has been a welcome addition most days. I’ll update you periodically as we continue to learn more about the life of being a vagabond.


Celebrating the Kiddo’s Birthdays


Making Time for my Family